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Related activities


Participation in  research projects​

  • ILFACT (L2 interactional fluency across contexts). Project coordinated by Pauliina Peltonen (University of Turku). Funded by the Research Council of Finland (2024-2028)

  • ​DINLANG (Multimodal LANGuage practices in French Family Dinners). Project coordinated by Aliyah Morgenstern (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle). ANR funded (2021-2025)

  • FDF2 (Fluency and Disfluency Features in L2 Speech). Project coordinated by Pekka Lintunen (University of Turku). Collaboration with Pauliina Peltonen and Sandra Götz (University of Marburg). Funded by the Research Council of Finland (2020-2024) 

  • BENEPHIDIRE (Le bégaiement : la Neurologie, la Phonétique, l'Information pour son Diagnostic et sa Rééducation). Coordinated by Fabrice Hirsch (Université de Montpellier). ANR funded (2019-2023)

  • Birth(ing) Stories. Coordinated by Charlotte Danino (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle).  Funded by the Projet Innovant Program (2020-2022)






Other current collaborations:

  • Alignment and Affiliation in Feedback Sequences. Collaboration with Ludivine Crible (University of Ghent)

  • Gesture and turn-taking in face-to-face versus online L2 interactions. Collaboration with Renia Lopez (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

  • (Dis)fluency and Gesture in children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. Collaboration with Corrado Bellifemine (Université de Lorraine)

  • Multifunctional feedback in tandem interactions. Collaboration with Céline Horgues and Sylwia Scheuer (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle). 


 Editorial Contributions and Reviewing Work​​




Corpus design

During the course of my Ph.D., I collected the DisReg Corpus (available here) which includes videotaped recordings of French students enrolled in a French literature class held at Sorbonne Nouvelle University. 

The corpus is twofold:

  • The first part includes recordings of the students giving an oral presentation in front of the whole class and teacher. Their presentation was part of an evaluation. The oral presentation consisted in analyzing a sonnet or an excerpt taken from a play, using a French method (introduction, three-part presentation and analysis, conclusion). 

  • The second part includes video recordings of the same students that were filmed in class, but this time in pairs, and engaged in a semi-guided conversation about everyday topics. 


Kosmala, L. (2018). DisReg Corpus [Corpus]. Langues, Textes, Arts et Cultures du Monde Anglophone - EA 4398 (PRISMES). ORTOLANG (Open Resources and TOols for LANGuage) - v3, (submitted in 2022). 




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©2021 Loulou Kosmala

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