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Kosmala, L. (2024). Beyond disfluency: the interplay of speech, gesture, and interaction. Advances in Interaction Studies, 11, John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN : 9789027214508  


Kosmala, L. (2024) Building and coordinating multimodal interaction with gaze across two communicative situations. Special Issue: Discours et Multimodalité. Faits de Langues, 53 (12) 69-87.


Bellifemine C., & Kosmala, L. (2024). Pour une complexité syntaxique multimodale : le rôle conjoint des gestes et des pauses dans les narrations d’enfants. Langue Française 223(3). 97-113. Armand Colin


Bellifemine C., & Kosmala, L. (2024). Investigating pausing and gesturing patterns in children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. Multimodal Communication. Mouton De Gruyter.


Kosmala, L., Horgues, C. & Scheuer, S. (2023) A multimodal study of how pronunciation-induced communication breakdowns are managed during tandem interactions. Research in language (21) 3. 291- 312. 


Kosmala, L. (2023) Exploring the status of filled pauses as pragmatic markers : the role of gaze and gesture. Discourse-Pragmatic Markers, Fillers and Filled pauses : pragmatic, multi-modal and psycholinguistic perspectives. Pragmatics and Cognition.


Crible, L., Dirdivokà, I., Dodane, C., Kosmala, L., (2022). Towards an inclusive system for the annotation of (dis)fluency in typical and atypical speech. (Dis)Fluency in Speech and Language Disorders. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. Taylor & Francis.


Kosmala, L. (2022). Rethinking disfluency within the scope of interactional linguistics and gesture studies. Studia UBB. Philosophia, 67 49-66.


Kosmala, L. (2021). On the Specificities of L1 and L2 (Dis)fluencies and the Interactional Multimodal Strategies of L2 Speakers in Tandem Interactions. Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 3 (1) 69-101.


Kosmala, L., & Crible, L., (2021). The dual status of filled pauses: Evidence from genre, proficiency, and co-occurrence.Language and Speech. May 2021. 1-24.


Kosmala, L. (2020). (Dis)fluencies and their contribution to the co-construction of meaning in native and non-native tandem interactions of French and English. TIPA. Travaux interdisciplinaires sur la parole et le langage [Online], 36.

Research papers in academic journals

Book chapters


Kosmala, L., & Morgenstern, A. (2019). Should Uh and Um be categorized as disfluencies? The use of fillers in a challenging context. In Liesbeth Degand, Gaëtanelle Gilquin, Laurence Meurant & Anne Catherine Simon (eds.) Fluency and Disfluency across Languages and Language Varieties. Corpora and Language in Use. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 67-89.  ISBN : 978-2-87558-769-5


Beaupoil-Hourdel, P., Josse, H., Kosmala, L., Masuga, K., & Morgenstern, A. (2017). When storytelling meets active learning: an academic reading experiment with French MA students. In C. Sarré & S. Whyte (Eds), New developments in ESP teaching and learning research. 109-129). ISBN13: 978-2-490057-01-6

Conference papers


Kosmala, L. (2024) Learning through gesture: embodied repetitions in tandem interactions. Proceedings of the 2024 CLASP Conference on Multimodality and Interaction in Language Learning. pp- 19-25.


Kosmala, L. (2024) Tongue clicks in L1 and L2: sequential and embodied practices. Proceedings of Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations Workshop. pp- 33-35


Peltonen, P., Kosmala, L.,Götz, S, & Litunen, P. (2023). The interplay of fluency and gesture in L1 Finnish and L2 English task-based interactions. Proceedings of DiSS 2023 – The 11th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech. 10.21437/DiSS.2023-2  


Kosmala, L. (2021). Gestures in fluent and disfluent cycles of speech: what they may tell us about the role of (dis)fluency in L2 discourse. Proceedings of DiSS 2021 – The 10th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, 77-82.


Betz, S., Bryhadyr, N., Kosmala, L. & Schettino, L. (2021). A Crosslinguistic Study on the Interplay of Fillers and Silences. Proceedings of DiSS 2021 – The 10th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech, 47-52.


Kosmala, L. (2020) On the distribution of clicks and inbreaths in class presentations and spontaneous conversations: blending vocal and kinetic activities. Proceedings of Laughter and Other Non-Verbal Vocalisations Workshop.


Kosmala, L. (2020) Euh le saviez-vous ? Le rôle des (dis)fluences en contexte interactionnel : étude exploratoire et qualitative. SHS Web of Conferences, 78,


Kosmala, L. (2019) On the Multifunctionality and Multimodality of Silent Pauses in Native and Non-Native Interactions. Proceedings of the 1st International Seminar On the Foundation of Speech.


Kosmala, L., Candea, M., & Morgenstern. A (2019) Synchronization of Gesture and (Dis)fluent Speech: A Multimodal Approach to (Dis)fluency. Proceedings of the 6th Gesture and Speech in Interaction Conference. Elektronische Ressource, 56-61.


Betz., S & Kosmala, L. (2019) Fill the silence! Basics for modelling hesitation. The 9th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech. Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary, 11-14. 10.21862/diss-09-004-betz-kosm


Kosmala, L., & Morgenstern, A. (2017). A preliminary study of hesitation phenomena in L1 and L2 productions: a multimodal approach. Proceedings of DiSS 2017, 18–19 August 2017, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden. pp. 37-40.

©2021 Loulou Kosmala

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